How I Can Help

Male Infertility

Difficulty conceiving or infertility affects both partners and over 50% of the time there is a male factor at play. If you are having difficulty having children, there may be a treatment or procedure that can enhance your fertility. Dr. Patel offers proven medical therapies and microsurgical procedures to help you become a parent.

Microscopic Testicular Sperm Extraction / Microscopic Varicocele Repair / Microscopic Vasectomy Reversal / Microscopic Vasal Reconstruction

Sexual Health

Being able to embrace and enjoy sex is important throughout your life. Sexual health is a critical component of physical and emotional well-being and can impact quality of life and relationships. Dr. Patel can tailor a personalized treatment plan including complementary and alternative medicine, prescription medications, restorative and regenerative medicine, and surgery to optimize your sexual health.

Erectile Dysfunction / Peyronie's Disease / Inflatable Penile Implant / Malleable Penile Implant / Ejaculatory and Orgasmic Dysfunction

Cosmetic Urology

Most men value their physical appearance - even below the belt. This affects your attitude and builds confidence. Dr. Patel melds his reconstructive and plastic surgical experience to offer procedures that can enhance the appearance and reduce discomfort. Look AND Feel Good.

Cosmetic Lower Genitourinary Reconstruction / Circumcision / Frenuloplasty / Preputioplasty / Scrotoplasty / Penile Enhancement Surgery / Phalloplasty / Testicular Implant


Hormone Therapy & Wellness

Low testosterone is common with age and cause a variety of symptoms that can impact sexual health, fertility, bone health, muscle strength, and risk of other major medical conditions. There are dozens of treatments to get your testosterone levels to normal levels. Based on your preferences and goals of therapy, Dr. Patel can customize testosterone replacement therapy for you.

Low Testosterone / Testosterone replacement / Testosterone implant / Holistic and Integrative Medicine / Restorative Therapies

Urinary Symptoms

Bothersome urinary symptoms are very common in men, but you should not let them affect your daily life. One size does not fit all and Dr. Patel offers the full spectrum of therapies for bothersome urinary symptoms including the latest complementary medicine, medical therapy, minimally invasive therapies, and surgery.

Enlarged Prostate / Male Stress Urinary Incontinence

Chronic Scrotal Pain

Chronic scrotal pain can arise from multiple identifiable causes but in many patients there is no clear cause. This can be frustrating as a patient. Dr. Patel uses a proven algorithm to diagnose/ localize your pain and offer therapies to improve or resolve your pain.

Post-Vasectomy Pain / Microscopic Spermatic Cord Denervation


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